Alyssa Newman » Mrs. Newman - Resource

Mrs. Newman - Resource

Resource families, 
Welcome! My name is Lyssa Newman and I am the Resource Specialist Teacher here at Calabash. It is my third year of teaching and I absolutely love what I do. I have recently completed a Reading Specialist micro-credential program and I am excited to implement some new strategies. 
I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. My goal is to work with every student and their family to help develop a love of learning. Each student will have their individual goals to work on based on their IEP, but we will also work in collaborative groups to complete projects throughout the year. 
I will send monthly newsletters home with information and fun movie and book recommendations. This newsletter will also include information on what your child is working on and where they are at in meeting their IEP goals. 
If you have any questions or have any information you want me to know, please feel free to email me [email protected]