About Us » Governance Council & Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

Governance Council & Local School Leadership Council (LSLC)

Governance Council and Local School Leadership Council meetings are open all stakeholders per the Brown Act and public comments are welcome at every meeting. 

  • Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month in the Parent Center for Governance Council meeting starts at 2:45 PM. 
  • Local School Leadership Council meeting are held on the last Tuesday of each month at 2:45 PM.

Charter Renewal Petition - July 1, 2021-June 30, 2026

Charter School Transparency Resolution

AGENDA POSTED: Calabash Charter Academy’s Governance Council and Local School Leadership Councils meet monthly. Meeting agendas, past meeting minutes, and committee communications are posted on campus inside the main office and can also be accessed on our website.

Questions for comments can be directed to any Council member, and items to be considered for upcoming agendas should be addressed with Esther Gillis, Principal, by email at [email protected] or by calling the office at (818) 224-4430.

To review or obtain copies of materials, please check with school personnel of Calabash Charter Academy at (818) 224-4430.  Requests for disability related modifications or accommodations shall be made 24 hours prior to the meeting to Esther Gillis by email at [email protected] or by calling the office at (818) 224-4430.

School Leadership

What is Local School Leadership Council?
The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body composed of elected parents/community members and school personnel. LSLC works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas of the school program:
  1. School calendar
  2. Professional development schedule
  3. Budget for instructional materials
  4. Student discipline guidelines
  5. School equipment use guidelines (such as for copy machines)
Our council meetings will be conducted in accordance with the rules of order established by Education Code Section 3147(c). Please check back here for future agendas, meeting minutes, and the work accomplished by our council.
The LSLC shall be composed of 10 members, selected by their peers, as follows:
  • 3 Classroom Teachers
  • 1 Administrator
  • 1 Other School Staff Members
  • 5 Parents or Community Member
2024-2025 MEETINGS
2023-2024 MEETINGS